Session 1: Overview of Biological Soil Amendments of Animal Origin (BSAAO) and the Produce Safety Rule (PSR) a. Introduction to the BSAAO series: b. Risks associated with the application of BSAAOs: c. The Produce Safety Rule and BSAAO: d. CDFA Produce Safety Program inspection observations and Q&A: BSAAO Session 2: Compost a. Impact of using compost on soil health: b. Composting organic materials in California: c. Compost production and troubleshooting: d. Use of untreated and treated BSAAO in FSMA PSR: BSAAO Session 3: Soil amendments containing ingredients of animal origin a. BSAAO impacts on soil fertility: b. Ingredients of animal origin in soil amendments and associated risks: c. Agricultural teas and associated risks: d. Rotational grazing and food safety risks: