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Thermal Processing Specialists
Validation Guidelines
- Almond Board of California Process Validation Guidelines (at bottom of page)
- Ceylan, E., A. Amezquita, N. Anderson, R. Betts, L. Blayo, F. Garces-Vega, E. Gkogka, L. J. Harris, P. McClure, A. Winkler, H. M. W. den Besten. 2021. Guidance on validation of lethal control measures for foodborne pathogens in foods. Comp. Rev. Food Sci. Food Safety 1-57.
- (Codex) Codex Alimentarius Commission. 2008 (updated 2013). Guidelines for the validation of food safety control measures (CAC/GL 69–2008). Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Program, FAO, Rome. (PDF 214 KB). Available at:
- (NACMCF) National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods. 2006. Requisite scientific parameters for establishing the equivalence of alternative methods of pasteurization. Journal of Food Protection 69:1190–1216. (PDF 181 KB)
- Pivarnik, L.F., and R. Worobo. 2014. Non-thermal or Alternative Food Processing Methods to Enhance Microbial Safety and Quality - Frequently Asked Questions. (PDF 102 KB)
- Validation of Antimicrobial Interventions for Small and Very Small Processors: A How-to Guide to Develop and Conduct Validations (2013, CFPVE, Food Protection Trends, 33(2):95-104). (May require a fee to view/download).
- Validating the Reduction of Salmonella and Other Pathogens in Heat Processed Low-Moisture Foods (OpX Leadership Network, Anderson, D. G. and L. A. Lucore, 2020 update) (PDF 3.7 MB) (Free download after filling out form).