Information from UC
UC-authored Nuts and Nut Products documents
- Bibliography: Containing a comprehensive list of references pertaining to microbial safety of nuts and sesame seeds. Publications on the Microbial Safety of Nuts and Sesame Seeds (updated 5-29-24) (PDF 761 KB)
- Guidelines for using Enterococcus faecium NRRL B-2354 as a surrogate microorganism in pistachio process validation (UC Davis & Michigan State University) (PDF 386 KB)
- Inactivation of Microorganisms in Nuts and Nut Pastes: Table and References (updated 5-1-24) (PDF 381 KB)
- Outbreaks from Tree Nuts, Peanuts, and Sesame Seeds (updated 5-29-24) (PDF 417 KB)
- Salmonellosis risk assessment: Assessment of Risk of Salmonellosis from Consumption of Nuts: Table and References (5-29-24) (PDF 172 KB)
- Surveys for Foodborne Pathogens on Nuts and Seeds: Tables and References (updated 10-24-24) (PDF 547 KB)
- Survival of Foodborne Pathogens on Nuts: Tables and References (updated 5-1-24) (PDF 291 KB)
- U.S. Recalls of Nuts: Table and References (updated 10-4-24) (PDF 479 KB)
- Archived Documents, Nuts and Nut Pastes
Food Safety Information on Nuts and Nut Pastes
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- From the Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN and the World Health Organization, in English, Spanish, and French:
- Preventing Salmonella and E. coli in tree nuts (2012) (PDF 1.9 MB)
- Prevención y control de la Salmonella y la E. coli enterohemorrágica en los frutos secos (2012) (PDF 1.8 MB)
- Prévention et maîtrise de Salmonella et Escherichia. coli entérohémorragique dans les fruits à coque (2012) (PDF 1.8 MB)
Consumer Brands Association and Peanut and Tree Nut Processors Association
- Industry Handbook for Safe Processing of Nuts, 4th edition, Oct. 2022 (Peanut and Tree Nut Processors Association and Consumer Brands Association) (PDF 3.4 MB)
- Industry Handbook for Safe Processing of Nuts, 3rd edition, Dec 2020 (Peanut and Tree Nut Processors Association and Consumer Brands Association) (PDF 3.1 MB)
Consumer Brands Association
- Industry Handbook for Safe Processing of Nuts 2016 (Grocery Manufacturer's Association - GMA) (PDF 6.38 MB)
- Addendum I: Industry Handbook for the Safe Shelling of Peanuts 2015 (PDF 3 MB)
- Addendum II: Good Agricultural Practices for California Pistachio Growers 2009 (PDF 758 KB)
- Addendum III : Good Agricultural Practices for Almond Growers 2009 (PDF 2.3 MB)
- Executive Summary: Industry Handbook for Safe Processing of Nuts (PDF 42 KB)
- Equipment Design Checklist for Low Moisture Foods (downloadable Excel worksheet) (link goes to all bookstore products - scroll to find it) May require payment.
UC-authored Nuts and Nut Products documents
- Bibliography: Containing a comprehensive list of references pertaining to microbial safety of nuts and sesame seeds. Publications on the Microbial Safety of Nuts and Sesame Seeds (updated 5-29-24) (PDF 761 KB)
- Guidelines for using Enterococcus faecium NRRL B-2354 as a surrogate microorganism in pistachio process validation (UC Davis & Michigan State University) (PDF 386 KB)
- Inactivation of Microorganisms in Nuts and Nut Pastes: Table and References (updated 5-1-24) (PDF 381 KB)
- Outbreaks from Tree Nuts, Peanuts, and Sesame Seeds (updated 5-29-24) (PDF 417 KB)
- Salmonellosis risk assessment: Assessment of Risk of Salmonellosis from Consumption of Nuts: Table and References (5-29-24) (PDF 172 KB)
- Surveys for Foodborne Pathogens on Nuts and Seeds: Tables and References (updated 10-24-24) (PDF 547 KB)
- Survival of Foodborne Pathogens on Nuts: Tables and References (updated 5-1-24) (PDF 291 KB)
- U.S. Recalls of Nuts: Table and References (updated 10-4-24) (PDF 479 KB)
- Archived Documents, Nuts and Nut Pastes
US Food and Drug Administration
- Compliance Policy Guides - Sub Chapters 570 - 590 (Various Nuts) (FDA)
- Guide to Inspections of Manufacturers of Miscellaneous Food Products - Establishment Inspections - Section 4: Tree Nuts (FDA)
Information about Specific Nuts
Brazil Nuts
- United States Standards for Grades of Brazil Nuts in the Shell (USDA,PDF 55 KB)
- USDA Brazil Nuts Handbook (USDA, PDF 1035 KB)
Hazelnuts (Filberts)
- Oregon Hazelnut Marketing Board
- Efficacy of water, sodium hypochlorite, peroxyacetic acid, and acidified sodium chlorite for reducing microorganisms on in-shell hazelnuts (Weller, L.D., Master's Thesis 2012)
- United States Standards for Grades of Filberts in the Shell (USDA,PDF 57 KB)
- USDA Handbook Filberts in the Shell (USDA, PDF 115 KB)
- USDA Filberts in the Shell Visual Aid (USDA, PDF 1.2 MB)
Mixed Nuts
- United States Standards for Grades of Mixed Nuts in the Shell (USDA, PDF 51 KB)
Peanuts and Peanut Butter
- National Pecan Shellers Association
- United States Standards for Grades of Pecans in the Shell (USDA, PDF 77 KB)
- USDA Pecans in the Shell Handbook (USDA, PDF 13.2 MB)
- United States Standards for Grades of Pecans, Shelled (USDA, PDF 79 KB)
- USDA Pecans, Shelled Handbook (USDA, PDF 1.8 KB)