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Federal Government Web Pages
- FDA Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) HACCP
This page has links to a wide variety of resources including: Seafood, Juice and Dairy HACCP. All regulatory documents pertaining to HACCP and FDA-regulated foods can be found at this site. - USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) Homepage
This site has links to generic HACCP plans, implementation and update information, and news and information. It also includes links to the USDA Recall Center, the USDA homepage, and a site search. - USDA FSIS Pathogen Reduction/HACCP Guidance
The USDA FSIS webpage has generic HACCP models, guidance documents, HACCP-based inspection models, general information about the Final Rule, HACCP implementation information for small and very small meat and poultry operations, and a variety of additional resources.
Hazard and Control Guides
Industry Association Web Pages
- American Association of Meat Processors (AAMP)
This site offers information about the organization, regulatory affairs, HACCP help, food safety training, and links to other industry related sites. - North American Meat Institute (NAMI)
This site offers regulatory information, HACCP implementation tips, facts and statistics on the meat industry, links to other AMI members, federal agencies, and industry associations. - International HACCP Alliance
This site includes regulation information, HACCP training information, a variety of food safety resources, and information on the Alliance's activities. On the site is an electronic information request form for information on membership and other activities.
Introductory HACCP Training Programs
Juice HACCP Training Programs
Modeling Programs
- USDA Pathogen Modeling Program - A package of models that can be used to predict the growth and inactivation of foodborne bactera.
- COMBASE Modelling Toolbox (requires free login/registration) - A collection of software tools to predict microbial responses to temperature, pH, water activity, etc.
University Web Pages