There are two different E-learning series: the Biological Soil Amendments of Animal Origin series and the Production Agricultural Water series.
Biological Soil Amendments of Animal Origin
Description: This E-learning series provides information about the benefits and risks of applying biological soil amendments of animal origin (BSAAO) during production. This series is tailored to Californians, with specific BSAAO regulatory and enforcement information relevant to California growers.
Who should view: Growers, BSAAO producers (composters or soil amendment producers), educators
E-learning session 1: Overview of Biological Soil Amendments of Animal Origin (BSAAO) and the Produce Safety Rule (PSR)
Topic areas:
- Introduction to the BSAAO series (YouTube, 20:15 min)
- Risks associated with the application of BSAAOs (YouTube, 18:33 min)
- The FSMA Produce Safety Rule and BSAAO (YouTube, 35:51 min)
- Update on the CDFA Produce Safety Program inspection progress and findings (YouTube, 33:02 min)
Speakers: Dr. Erin DiCaprio (UC Davis, UC ANR), Dr. Alda Pires (UC Davis, UC ANR), Donna Pahl Clements (Produce Safety Alliance)
E-learning session 2: Compost
Topic areas:
- Impact of using compost on soil health (YouTube, 20:50 min)
- Composting organic materials in California (YouTube, 12:54 min)
- Compost production and troubleshooting (YouTube, 15:14 min)
- Use of untreated and treated BSAAO in FSMA PSR (YouTube, 21:36 min)
Speakers: Dr. Erin DiCaprio (UC Davis, UC ANR), Dr. Alda Pires (UC Davis, UC ANR), Dr. Margaret Lloyd (UC ANR, UCCE), Donna Pahl Clements (Produce Safety Alliance), CalRecycle representative, John Massa (Comgro Soil Amendments)
E-learning session 3: Soil amendments containing ingredients of animal origin
Topic areas:
- BSAAO impacts on soil fertility (YouTube, 24:59 min)
- Ingredients of animal origin in soil amendments and associated risks (YouTube, 28:51 min)
- Agricultural teas and associated risks (YouTube, 19:00 min)
- Rotational grazing and food safety risks (YouTube, 14:42 min)
Speakers: Dr. Erin DiCaprio (UC Davis, UC ANR), Dr. Alda Pires (UC Davis, UC ANR), Dr. Margaret Lloyd (UC ANR, UCCE), Pat Milner (USDA ARS

Dr. Erin DiCaprio, Assistant Cooperative Extension Specialist, Department of Food Science and Technology, UC Davis, University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Dr. Alda Pires, Associate Cooperative Extension Specialist, School of Veterinary Medicine, UC Davis, University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Production Agricultural Water
Description: This E-learning series provides information on risks associated with production agricultural water, current best practices for agricultural water management, treatment options for agricultural water, and updates on the Produce Safety Rule agricultural water testing requirements. This series is tailored to Californians, with specific agricultural water regulatory and enforcement information relevant to California growers.
Who should view: Growers, regulators, educators
E-learning session 1: Assessing on-Farm Risks Associated with Pre-harvest Agricultural Water System
Topic areas:
- Introduction - Production agricultural water (YouTube, 13:56 min)
- FSMA Produce Safety Rule and Pre-harvest agricultural water (YouTube, 23:36 min)
- CDFA approach to agricultural production water in farm inspections (YouTube, 42:42 min)
- Approaching an inspection/risk assessment of your pre-harvest agricultural water system (YouTube, 28:19 min)
Speakers: Dr. Linda J. Harris (UC Davis, UC ANR), Donna Pahl Clements (Produce Safety Alliance), Ronald Bond (UC Davis), Don Stoeckel (CDFA)
E-learning session 2: An Introduction to Options for Treating Agricultural Water
Topic areas:
- An introduction to options for treating production agricultural water (YouTube, 26:11 min)
- CDFA approach to production water treatments in Produce Safety Rule inspections (YouTube, 23:49 min)
- Operational considerations for production agricultural water quality (YouTube, 23:18 min)
- Production agricultural water treatment options (YouTube, 36:56 min)
Speakers: Dr. Linda J. Harris (UC Davis, UC ANR), Dr. Faith Critzer (Washington State University), Dr. Channah Rock (University of Arizona), Don Stoeckel (CDFA)
E-learning session 3: Water quality metrics – a deeper dive
Topic areas:
- A brief history of water quality metrics (Don Stoeckel, CDFA) (YouTube, 33:23 min)
- Agricultural water - sampling and research in action (Ronald Bond, UC Davis) (YouTube, 21:06 min)
- Water quality publication - special section (Ronald Bond, UC Davis) (YouTube, 39:11 min)
Speakers: Don Stoeckel (CDFA) and Ronald Bond (UC Davis) Moderator: Linda Harris (UC Davis, UC ANR)

Dr. Linda Harris, Cooperative Extension Specialist, Department of Food Science and Technology, UC Davis, University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Environmental Assessment / System Inspection Questionnaire (Bond-Partyka, 2020 Western Center for Food Safety) (PDF 280 KB)
- From United Fresh Produce Association: United Fresh’s Food Safety Council and Harmonized Calibration Committee agreed that the industry would benefit from a document that a grower can use to guide their thought process through the assessment of their agricultural water risk. The following document is a compilation of existing resources and approaches developed by the volunteer workgroup.
- Testing Agricultural Water for Fruit and Vegetable Production and Postharvest Handling (Washington State University) (Click to download; PDF is 3.3 MB)
- Dufour, A. P. and S. Schaub. The Evolution of Water Quality in the United States- 1922-2003. Chapter 1, L. J. Wymer (ed.), Statistical Framework for Recreational Water Quality Criteria and Monitoring. John Wiley and Sons, LTD, , Uk, , 1-12, (2007)
- USEPA Health Effects Criteria for Fresh Recreational Waters. EPA 600/1-84-004 (1984)
- USEPA Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Bacteria – 1986. EPA 440/5-84-2 (1986)
- USEPA Recreational Water Quality Criteria. Office of Water 820-F-12-058 (2012)
- FDA FSMA Final Rule for Produce Safety: How Did FDA Establish Requirements for Water Quality and Testing of Irrigation Water? (2015)
- FDA Fact Sheet Equivalent Testing Methodologies for Agricultural Water (2018)
- LGMA Metrics, Appendices, and Guidance documents at
- Agricultural Water for Production: National GAP (CornellCALS)