Information from UC
California - Resources for Processing Foods
The following California organizations have collaborated on the new resources below for small-scale farmers and processors on how to produce your product safely and in compliance with applicable state and federal regulations: Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF), University of California Department of Food Science & Technology (UC Davis FST), UC Agriculture and Natural Resources (UCANR) and the Western Regional Center for Food Safety (WRCEFS).
- Value-Added On-Farm Processing - Regulatory Considerations: This flow diagram developed in collaboration with Community Alliance with Family Farmers guides the user to relevant Federal and California regulations based on food type and size of the business. Examples and a flow chart help farmers understand multiple state and federal regulations. (PDF 1.8 MB)
- A free webinar to explain the flowchart above.
- Permit Timeline Resources - What to do and when you should do it
- California Processed Food Registration timeline: This document developed in collaboration with Community Alliance with Family Farmers provides information on the steps, length of time required, and cost of obtaining a California Processed Food Registration. (Web version with active hyperlinks, PDF 682 KB)
- California Cannery License timeline: This document developed in collaboration with Community Alliance with Family Farmers provides information on the steps, length of time required, and cost of obtaining a California Cannery License. (Web version with active hyperlinks, PDF 733 KB)
- A free webinar to explain the timeline documents above.
- A PDF of the slides from the webinar above (PDF 5.8 MB)
Co-Packers Database (UC Food Quality). This database provides a partial list of co-packers with an emphasis on those located in California, with a link to a nationwide listing. Link to all 18 categories in the database.
Packaging Containers Database (UC Food Quality) This database provides a partial list of packaging container companies with an emphasis on those located in California.
California Cottage Food Operations (University of California Cooperative Extension)
Food Loss and Waste Collaborative (UC Davis)
- How to Start a Food Business (FDA)
- Resources for Rural Entrepreneurs: A Guide to Planning, Adapting, and Growing Your Business (USDA Rural Development) (PDF 3.4 MB)
- Virtual Labs (A collaboration of USDA, South Dakota State University, North Dakota State University and New Mexico State University) Virtual simulations (using Adobe Flash Player) cover basic laboratory techniques and practice methods that may be of interest to small food industry owners.
California - Resources for Processing Foods
The following California organizations have collaborated on the new resources below for small-scale farmers and processors on how to produce your product safely and in compliance with applicable state and federal regulations: Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF), University of California Department of Food Science & Technology (UC Davis FST), UC Agriculture and Natural Resources (UCANR) and the Western Regional Center for Food Safety (WRCEFS).
- Value-Added On-Farm Processing - Regulatory Considerations: This flow diagram developed in collaboration with Community Alliance with Family Farmers guides the user to relevant Federal and California regulations based on food type and size of the business. Examples and a flow chart help farmers understand multiple state and federal regulations. (PDF 1.8 MB)
- A free webinar to explain the flowchart above.
- Permit Timeline Resources - What to do and when you should do it
- California Processed Food Registration timeline: This document developed in collaboration with Community Alliance with Family Farmers provides information on the steps, length of time required, and cost of obtaining a California Processed Food Registration. (Web version with active hyperlinks, PDF 682 KB)
- California Cannery License timeline: This document developed in collaboration with Community Alliance with Family Farmers provides information on the steps, length of time required, and cost of obtaining a California Cannery License. (Web version with active hyperlinks, PDF 733 KB)
- A free webinar to explain the timeline documents above.
- A PDF of the slides from the webinar above (PDF 5.8 MB)
Co-packers are food processors that have extra manufacturing capacity and offer their services for a fee. This is often an attractive option for people starting in the food business. The product and its package must be matched to the co-packer and its available equipment. Co-packers often offer additional services such as product development (often critical to scaling up the volume of product produced), label review, and regulatory compliance.
- California Food Processing Co-Packers - (Rob Neenan, CLFP, 2015) (PDF 51 KB)
- Choosing and Using a Co-Packer (NC State University) (PDF 26 KB)
- Co-Packers Database (UC Food Quality) This database provides a partial list of co-packers with an emphasis on those located in California, with a link to a nationwide listing. Link to all 18 categories in the database.
- Co-Packers, Contract Packagers, and Private Labelers (, "Beats Digging Ditches" Resource List)
- Co-Packer List (All States): from Specialty Food
- Finding and Using a Co-Packer (IFAS/University of Florida) (PDF 201 KB)
- Food Processing: Using a Co-Packer (Oklahoma Cooperative Extension)
- Small Co-Packers and Commercial Kitchens by State (Cornell Food Venture Center) Information on Co-Packers/Commercial Kitchens in some U.S. states.
Cottage Foods
- California Cottage Food Operations (University of California Cooperative Extension)
- Cottage Food Operations (CDPH) New State Law as of January 1, 2013
- AB-1144 Cottage Food Operations - Update September 2021 (California Legislative Information)
- Cottage Food Labeling Requirements (CDPH) (PDF 614 KB)
- List of Approved Cottage Foods (CDPH, June 23, 2022) (PDF 360 KB)
- - Cottage Food Laws by State
Food Entrepreneur Programs (University or State-affiliated)
- Cornell University: Cornell Food Venture Center
- NASDA Foundation (National Association of State Departments of Agriculture): Farm2Food Accelerator
- Kansas State University: Kansas Value Added Foods Lab
- National Center for Home Food Preservation: Resources for Starting Your Own Preserved Foods Business
- North Carolina State University: Entrepreneur Initiative for Food
- Oregon State University: Food Innovation Center
- Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey: Rutgers Food Innovation Center
- University of Kentucky Food Systems Innovation Center
- University of Nebraska, Lincoln: The Food Processing Center
- Texas A & M University: Getting Started as a Food Processing Entrepreneur
Food Incubators
A food incubator can provide a number of services that often include access to a shared-use licensed commercial space that is certified for food production. Renters or members can use this space by the hour or day to produce food. Other services such as product development, development of business plans, and regulatory guidance may be available.
- AgStart (Woodland, CA)
- Alchemist Kitchen (Sacramento, CA)
- CommonWealth Kitchen (MA)
- Forage Kitchen (Oakland, CA)
- Kitchentown (SF Bay area and Germany)
- La Cocina (San Francisco, CA)
- NC Food Innovation Lab (Kannapolis, NC)
Food Packaging and Labeling (also see Labeling Regulations)
- also see Nutrition Labeling (UC Food Quality)
- Close up on Food Labels - Information for California Food Processors (CA Dept. of Public Health, Food and Drug Branch, 2024) (PDF 2 MB) This publication explains general food label requirements.
- Filling Machines for the Smaller Food Processing Operation (Kansas State University) (PDF 29 KB) This brochure goes through some of the considerations important in purchasing a filling machine for use in a small food processing operation.
- "Homegrown by Heroes" (Farmer Veteran Coalition) Certification / labeling program informs consumers that agricultural products donning the logo were produced by U.S. military veterans.
- Food Packaging and Labeling Tips for Small Businesses (Michigan State University Extension)
- Guidance for Industry: Use of Recycled Plastics in Food Packaging (FDA)
- Packaging Containers Database (UC Food Quality) This database provides a partial list of packaging container companies with an emphasis on those located in California.
- Production: Package and Label (UMass Food Science Extension Program)
- Providing Safe Containers for Food Products - Facts for Niche-Market Food Processors (Kansas State University) (PDF 25 KB) This brochure points out some of the important considerations in selection of food packaging containers.
- Regulatory Agency Approvals by Materials (Professional Plastics Company)
Food & Packaging Waste
- Food Loss and Waste Collaborative (UC Davis)
- Food Loss and Waste Publication - A paper in the series on The Need for Agricultural Innovation to Sustainably Feed the World by 2050 (CAST) (PDF 3.0 MB)
- USDA and Food Waste: The USDA says one-third of all available food in the United States goes uneaten due to loss or waste - and they provide programs, policies, and guidance designed to help with the problem.
Food Properties
- pH Values of Common Foods and Ingredients (Clemson University Extension) (PDF 209 KB) The pH and/or acidity of a food are generally used to determine processing requirements and applicability of specific regulations.
- pH Values of Various Foods (Appendix 1, scroll down on page) (In Oklahoma State University Food Technology Fact Sheet FAPC-118,"The Importance of Food pH in Commercial Canning Operations") (PDF 479 KB)
- Water Activity of Sugar and Salt Solutions (BC Centre for Disease Control) (PDF 90 KB)
Product Development
- Also see: Food Incubators (UC Food Quality and heading above)
- Book, Methods for Developing New Food Products, Second Edition by Fadi Aramouni Ph.D. and Kathryn Deschenes M.S.
- Product Development and Sensory Analysis (UC Food Quality) This database provides a partial list of companies that do product development and sensory analysis, with an emphasis on those located in California. Link to all 18 categories in the database.
- Basic Elements of a Sanitation Program for Food Processing and Food Handling (University of Florida) (PDF 41 KB)
- Basic Elements of Equipment Cleaning and Sanitizing in Food Processing and Handling Operations (University of Florida) (PDF 105 KB)
- Guidelines for the Use of Chlorine Bleach as a Sanitizer in Food Processing Operations (Oklahoma State University) (PDF 902 KB)
- Sanitation and Safety (UC Food Quality) This database provides a partial list of companies that work in sanitation and safety, with an emphasis on those located in California. Link to all 18 categories in the database.
- Sanitary Design and Construction of Food Equipment (University of Florida) (PDF 481 KB)
- Sanitary Design and Construction of Food Processing and Handling Facilities (University of Florida) (PDF 124 KB)
- Water: FDA guidance for use of water by food manufacturers in areas affected by a boil-water advisory (FDA)