Information from UC
- Is your product an "acidified food"? (L. J. Harris and N. Parkinson, UC Davis Food Sci & Tech, 2-18-22) (PDF 628 KB)
- California Cannery License timeline: This document developed in collaboration with Community Alliance with Family Farmers provides information on the steps, length of time required, and cost of obtaining a California Cannery License. (Web version with active hyperlinks, PDF 733 KB)
University of California, Davis
- Better Process Control Schools Our in-person course and others' listings.
General Information
Non-acidic products, including most vegetables and fresh meat, can be acidified to produce acidified low-acid foods. These products are commonly called “pickles” or “pickled products”. Because there is a risk of botulism if these foods are not properly acidified and processed, there are very specific regulations (21 CFR 113 and 21 CFR 114) that pertain to these foods. Included in this section are a number of resources addressing this category of foods.
A number of acidic foods are not considered to fall into the acidified low-acid food category. To determine if your product is an acidified low-acid food consult the following document:
Is your product an "acidified food"? (L. J. Harris and N. Parkinson, UC Davis Food Sci & Tech, 2-18-22) (PDF 628 KB)
The pH and/or acidity of a food are generally used to determine processing requirements and applicability of specific regulations. You can find the approximate ranges of pH values of common food products in tables posted online, for example:
- pH Values of Common Foods and Ingredients (Clemson University Extension) (PDF 209 KB)
- pH Values of Various Foods (Appendix 1, scroll down on page) (In Oklahoma State University Food Technology Fact Sheet FAPC-118,"The Importance of Food pH in Commercial Canning Operations") (PDF 479 KB)
- Choosing and using a pH meter for food products (Oklahoma State University Food Technology Fact Sheet FAPC-117) (PDF 472 KB)
- Measuring pH (University of Wisconsin) (PDF 181 KB)
California Regulations
Acidified low-acid foods processed in California must comply with the California Cannery Inspection & Licensing Program (CA Dept. of Public Heath) Associated forms are from CDPH, except where noted below.
California Cannery License timeline: This document developed in collaboration with Community Alliance with Family Farmers provides information on the steps, length of time required, and cost of obtaining a California Cannery License. (Web version with active hyperlinks, PDF 733 KB)
Procedures and Forms
- Procedure for Obtaining a Cannery License (PDF 151 KB)
- Cannery License Application Form (PDF 166 KB)
- How to Fill out the "Request for pH Control" Form (PDF 366 KB)
- Request for pH Control Form (PDF 56 KB)
- How to Complete the "Request for Official Sterilization Process" Form (PDF 287 KB)
- Request for Official pH Sterilization Process Form (PDF 150 KB)
- Steps for Submission of Low-Acid Canned Food (LACF) Products (PDF 299 KB)
FDA (Federal) Regulations
- Acidified & Low-Acid Canned Foods Guidance Documents & Regulatory Information (FDA) This website contains instructions for establishment registration and process filing along with other information useful to manufacturers of of products covered until 21 CFR 113 and 21 CFR 114.
Specific Information
Acidification of Garlic added to Oil (FDA Safe Practices for Food Processes) Section 3.5
(Section 3.5 is copied below) From: Evaluation and Definition of Potentially Hazardous Foods, page 59 (IFT/FDA) (PDF 2.8 MB)
3.5. Garlic-in-oil1
Product: Garlic-in-oil. The product is not held hot or cold. The ingredients of the product are chopped fresh garlic and oil. The product is intended to be distributed and stored at ambient temperature for extended shelf life. Outbreaks have been associated with C. botulinum toxin in garlic-in-oil. Microbiological hazards: C. botulinum toxin production.
Step 1. Processing: Oil poured into chopped garlic in a bottle. Although no heat is applied, vegetative pathogens are not associated with this food. Go to Table A.
Table A: pH> 4.6 and high aw (not specified).
Step 2. Decision: Product may be a TCS food. (TCS = Time/Temperature Control for Safety)
Product Assessment: No identified product characteristic that prevents spore-forming pathogen growth. Antimicrobial properties of garlic will prevent the growth of vegetative pathogens.
Decision options: Challenge testing, predictive microbial model, reformulation to lower pH with acetic or phosphoric acid to < 4.6, refrigerate (TCS food), store hot (TCS food), or at ambient temperature for a limited time less than the estimated lag phase for the pathogens of concern, or not marketable.
1Flavored oil will present negligible hazard due to lack of C. botulinum survival or growth in 100% oil.
University Assistance, Information, & Training
Cornell University
- Acid and Acidified Foods (Cornell Food Venture Center)
- Videos
North Carolina State University
From the North Carolina State University Department of Food Science:
When acidified low acid or low acid canned foods are shipped across state lines the food processor must register with the FDA in addition to the appropriate state agency. This webpage describes the process for filing a scheduled process with the FDA.
- Online Acidified Foods Manufacturing School
- Acidified Foods: Formulating Dressings, Sauces and Marinades (PDF 37 KB)
- Considerations for developing A HACCP Plan for Acidified Foods (July 28, 2022)
University of California, Davis
- Better Process Control Schools Our in-person course and others' listings.
University of Georgia
- University of Georgia Online Better Process Control School for Acidified Foods (On Demand, 100% Online)